La Haine [The Hate]: The Disobedience Information Project

Let's spread direct action and spaces of alternative power.

This is the story of three kids, Said, Vinz and Hubert, who live in the suburbs of Paris, in a place where you wake up one morning to find yourself besieged by the police, which take on confrontating the neighbourhood young people. The clash is been sparked off since a 16 years old kid is struggling for his life in the hospital after suffering tortures during a police interrogation.

This is a story on the constant and natural war between the radical and desperate youth in the suburbs of Paris and the ever forceful police. The story is the evidence of the narrative strength of a young and angry director; it is his certainty that the police exists to defend the privileges of the rich and it's his uttering the hate against legal users of guns.

La Haine stands as an anticapitalist collective of people from all around Spain trying to spread the voice of the struggles going on mainly across Europe and Latin America. Concerning Latin-America, we can see it's a pressure-cooker, within which our simpathy will always be along with indigenous people, farmers, guerrilla soldiers and revolutionaries rising up against neo-liberalist governments, while in the clash for a better and fairiest society. We admire their rebel history, which in our opinion should never be forgotten but instead ever vindicated.


| Principal | España | País Vasco | Internacional | Antiglobal | Antimúsica |
| Pensamiento autónomo | La violencia como herramienta de lucha política | Alizia Stürtze |
| Reconstruyamos la historia de América Latina | La prensa al servicio del neoliberalismo |
| Anticultura | Desenmascaremos a Garzón | Antirred [enlaces, campañas] |